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Environmental Science Student Organization (E.S.S.O.)

Image of organization logo.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to spread environmental awareness, give back to the community, encourage students to branch out, and present to students new and exciting possibilities. ESSO strives to educate the community in earth sciences and environmental sustainability.

Meetings are held in Skeen Hall 200, 5:00 PM every other Monday.

Purpose and Objectives

  1. The purpose of this organization is the advancement of environmental knowledge and awareness at New Mexico State University and in the community.

  2. Mentor and advise members on academic and non-academic matters.

  3. Network members with environmental field professionals through informational speaker series.

  4. Further the NMSU Environmental Sciences Degree program by facilitating scholarship and award programs.

Fall 2024 Officers

Position Name E-mail
President Ranasia Griffin
Vice President Kayla Jones
Secretary Evanee Stockman
Treasurer Alanna DeAguero
ACES Council Rep Micah S Onyango
Contact the advisors for information on meeting dates and times


GroupMe QR Code

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April Ulery, Club Advisor

Phone: (575) 646-2219

Blair Stringam, Club Advisor